The Hatchet man galore

On February 10 an attack carried out by Pakistan-based terrorist organisation Jaish-e-Muhammad on a high-security Army camp in Sunjuwan, Jammu.  The important thing is that the attack was carried out a day after the fifth death anniversary of Afzal Guru, (hanged for his role in the December 2001 attack on Parliament) and one day before the thirty fourth death anniversary of “one of the vanguards of terrorism in Jammu Kashmir”, Maqbool Butt, the founder of the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front. Both Maqbool Butt and Afzal Guru hanged and buried at Delhi’s Tihar Jail on February 11, 1984 and February 9, 2013 respectively.

Interestingly the “Duo” is among the flamboyant poster boys of separatists and fundamentalist based on either side of LoC, even in Pakistan also.  So this is obvious that mourning procession go longer.  The nowadays separatist and fundamentalist leaders of Ghulam Kashmir scream and cry, here and there almost everywhere.

But deep differences and fragmentation between this pseudo solidarity are clearly visible. It is notable that when the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front was established by Amanullah Khan and Maqbool Bhat, its main objective was to establish a separate and independent state of Jammu & Kashmir. And Pakistan had to play an important role in it. So, then Pakistan was in the role of a custodian for the so-called Azad Kashmir which had to play this role till the two parts of states of Jammu and Kashmir was unified and gain independence. But Pakistan has never been honest towards its role.

In the decade of 1980s, Pakistan started supporting terror organizations such as Hizbul Mujahideen, who was working on a strategy to combine Jammu and Kashmir into Pakistan, and which has nothing to do with the ideology of  solidarity and independence of Jammu & Kashmir.

And after some times, other terrorist organizations working on this ideology, including Lashkar Tayyabah and Jaish-e-Mohammad, became chief tools of terrorism, sponsored by Pakistan, and organizations like JKLF went to the anonymity.

This mutual contradiction of ideologies was prominently displayed in the functions related to anniversaries of Maqbool Bhat and Afzal Guru.  Abid-ul-Hamid Bhat, who is the Central vice president of JKLF has said that the movement of freedom which was started by the Martyr Maqbol Bhat is on the path of final destination .He said “if Pakistan is real well wisher of Kashmir then government of Pakistan must recall all its officers from Ghulam Kashmir and Create embassy of Ghulam Kashmir in Islamabad.”

On other hand Prime Minister of Ghulam Kashmir, Raja Muhammad Farooq Haider Khan has said that “no power in the world can separate Kashmir from Pakistan.” In order to strengthen ties with Pakistan, amendments in Interim Constitution Act 1974 are inevitable. Khan  has stressed that our participation in the NFC Award within Pakistan is inevitable to get a valid part of the central resources through the 18th constitutional amendment, when provinces are availing these resources, why should masses from Kashmir be deprived of such advantages. He said that some subjects are given to Kashmir council due to which Kashmir government cannot play an effective role regarding administrative issues, if the authority of these subjects is given to the elected assembly and the administration then better results can be achieved regarding the governance.

Today, this paradox of ideology seems clearly in the people of Ghulam Kashmir. Where a large population of the Ghulam Kashmir is compelled to suffer the present regime of Pakistan. Where after independence only destruction has taken place in the name of development in the last 70 years. And it has been used shamelessly, solely for the benefit of Pakistan. On one hand, while Pakistan has kept the puppet government in Ghulam Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan, which acts as a cover for its malicious intentions while on the other hand, Pakistan's army is ready to suppress the aspirations of mass through massive use of force.

Even after these horrific situations, events such as shouting slogans in favor of India and flapping the Indian flags, to some extent describe the real situation.