@@INCLUDE-HTTPS-REDIRECT-METATAG@@ UNSC sanctioned Jamaat-ul-Ahrar: Explications and Implications

UNSC sanctioned Jamaat-ul-Ahrar: Explications and Implications

The UN Security Council has sanctioned terrorist organisation Jamaat-ul-Ahrar on July 6.  The Security Council’s 1267 Sanctions Committee approved the addition of JuA in the list of entities and individuals subject to the assets freeze, travel ban and arms embargo. In August 2016, the US State Department designated JuA as Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGTs). United Nations Security Council resolution 1267 was adopted unanimously on 15 October 1999. After recalling resolutions 1189 (1998), 1193 (1998) and 1214 (1998) on the situation in Afghanistan, the Council designated Osama bin Laden and associates as terrorists and established a sanctions regime to cover individuals and entities associated with Al-Qaida, Osama bin Laden and/or the Taliban wherever located.


The group, which split from the outlawed Pakistani Taliban in 2014, is associated with Islamic State and operates out of Afghanistan's eastern Nangarhar province as well as Pakistan's tribal border district of Mohmand. The JuA first came to prominence when it claimed responsibility for the 2014 Wagah attack targeting security forces. At least 61 people were killed in the attack and over 100 others were injured. The terror group has claimed responsibility for a number of attacks in Pakistan in recent times, particularly those targeting military and law enforcement personnel, government buildings, politicians, minority groups and lawyers.


Pakistan has hailed a United Nations Security Council decision to declare the group Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, or JuA, a global terrorist organization. The anti-state militant group has claimed responsibility for a majority of recent terrorist attacks in the country.


The Pakistani government banned JuA last November following a series of attacks that killed dozens of people, including members of the minority Christian community.


In Pakistan terrorist organisations are mainly created and operated by Army (specially ISI) for their sinister interests and whenever they became out of control they declared as “terrorist organisations” and Zarb-e-Azb and Radd ul Fasad type elimination plans are always ready to silent their voices.  And common man of Pakistan pay their hard earned resources for all these ridiculous farce in the name of national pride by destabilizing their neighboring countries and strengthening the hands of armed forces of Pakistan which strangulate the poor folks of this nation.


Jamaat-ul-Ahrar becomes very crucial to Pakistan security forces as well as civilian government establishments for last few years because of their growing terrorist activities. It is the splinter group of tehrik-e Taliban which is one of the most dreadful and also powerful terrorist organisations. So this ban would be a boon for uprooting terrorism and provide an impetus to recover law and order conditions but there is also some despicable “diplomatic mileages to be taken” opportunities for Pakistan. Pakistan is most vocal in the issues that NDS of Afghanistan and India’s RAW are the arch conspirators for such kind of terrorist activities on the soil of Pakistan. And in special case of Jamat ul Ahrar this is long time stand of Pakistan that Afghan government provide harbor and support by morals and materials. By this ban Pakistan offload the burden to be a terrorist supporter nation who spreading instability and atrocities in neighboring countries and present himself as a victim of belligerent neighborhood’s devious conspiracies.