Zafar Achakzai charged for anti-army post

Source :    Date : 28-Jun-2017

According to right groups a Pakistani journalist Zafar Achakzai arrested last week at his home in the southwestern city of Quetta has been charged with allegedly posting illegal material on Facebook.


Armed men, some in paramilitary uniform and others in plain-clothes, broke down the door to Zafar Achakzai's home on June 25 and arrested him and He was handed over to the Federal Investigation Agency on 27th June and charged under the Pakistan Electronic Crimes Act (PECA). The crackdown was ordered by Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, according to an interior ministry statement on May 14.


The detention is the latest in a series of arrests targeting journalists and social media activists for criticising the country's powerful military, which has ruled Pakistan for roughly half of its 69 years since independence.


This is to be believed that he was arrested for criticising security forces regarding their handling of a hit-and-run case where a provincial politician allegedly struck and killed a traffic policeman.


Pakistan has a vast media, with dozens of private television news stations and newspapers, but the country consistently ranks low on press freedom rankings, mainly due to censorship around the role of the military in both security and political affairs, and threats from armed groups such as the Pakistan Taliban. The country slipped to 139 out of 180 countries on Reporters Without Borders' (RSF) World Press Freedom Index in 2017. RSF has specifically pointed to the use of the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) as a means to control the news media. PECA criminalises any online posts that are critical of the country's military, government and other institutions of the state.


In October 2016 Data compiled by Pew Research Centre after conducting a survey of 37 states found that Pakistan scored a dismal 2.78, only above Jordan and Senegal with scores of 2.53 and 2.06 respectively. By this Pakistan ranks among the bottom 10 countries for supporting free speech, a global freedom of speech.


Similarly, on August 18, 2016 The Reputation Institute in its annual RepTrak index named Pakistan in the list of countries with the worst reputation.


The index was calculated based on the level of tolerance, safety, standard of living and attractiveness to tourists. The overall marks were given out of 100. Intolerance, religious extremism, and poor foreign relations seemed to be common features across all countries on the list.


Pakistan is a rogue state and it is not only a problem for their neighboring countries or world peace it is worst enemy of their own citizens. Pakistan civil establishment as well as armed forces treats like medvial tyrants who think the poor folks like cattle heard and any word of dissention is substantial for creating havoc.