Rex Tillerson announced Inter-agency review of support to Pakistan

Source :    Date : 16-Jun-2017

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, while describing the aspersions of a congressman about Pakistan’s alleged links to terrorism as ‘well-founded’, has announced an inter-agency review of US funding and support to Pakistan.


During a Congressional hearing on June 14, the secretary said, "We are beginning an inter-agency policy review towards Pakistan. This [continuation of US aid to Pakistan] is going to be one of the considerations."


Two Republican congressmen — Dana Rohrabacher and Ted Poe — also used this and another hearing at a subcommittee for terrorism, non-proliferation and trade to demand that the US stop selling weapons to Pakistan and declare it a state sponsor of terrorism.


Appearing before the House-Foreign Relations Committee, the secretary discussed the State Department's annual budget proposals with the US lawmakers. Responding to a question asked by Congressman Dana Rohrabacher as to why the US continues to provide financial assistance to Pakistan.


Congressman Rohrabaher mentioned Shakeel Afridi, who he said helped the US capture and kill Osama bin Laden. He also blamed Pakistan for the US shortcomings in Afghanistan. "If we don't succeed in Afghanistan, it will be because of the ISI in Pakistan," Rohrabacher said.


Mr Rohrabacher expressed the optimism that the administration would take a realistic view. “And sometimes that means biting the bullet … when you’re dealing with someone who’s … been two-faced with us for so long now,” said the lawmaker, adding that “Pakistan is acknowledged by most of the people I’ve dealt with as the source of terrorism in that part of the world.”


Congressman Poe, a Texas Republican, who also never spares an opportunity to attack Pakistan, added his views to this discussion.

“Pakistan is playing us. We give them money. That money ends up in the hands of bad guys in Afghanistan who hurt Americans. And I personally think that Pakistan should not get any American money,” he said.


“They get $500 million a year not counting the military aid. They should be designated as a state sponsor of terror. And they also should be removed from the major non-Nato ally status that they have,” he demanded.


Mr Poe said he had heard the secretary’s comments but he wanted to know: “Are any of those things that I mentioned an option?”