Iran warns will hit militant 'safe havens' inside Pakistan

Source :    Date : 08-May-2017

The head of the Iranian armed forces Major General Mohammad Baqeri, warned Islamabad on 8th May, that Tehran would hit bases inside Pakistan if the government does not confront Sunni militants who carry out cross-border attacks.


Ten Iranian border guards were killed by militants last month. Iran said Jaish al Adl, a Sunni militant group, had shot the guards with long-range guns, fired from inside Pakistan.


Iran, which shares nearly 1,000-kilometer (over 600 miles) border with Pakistan, alleges that anti-state militants use Pakistani soil for plotting terrorist attacks against Iran.


In 2014 Iran warned it would send troops to Pakistan to retrieve five Iranian border guards kidnapped by Jaish al Adl. Pakistan said at the time that such action would be violation of the international law and warned Iranian forces not to cross the border. Iran refrained from sending the troops when a local Sunni cleric stepped in and resolved the situation.


Jaish al-Adl


Jaish ul-Adl or Jaish al-Adl (Army of Justice) is a Sunni insurgent group based in Sistan and Baluchestan province of Iran, responsible for several attacks against civilians and military personnel in Iran.


The group was founded in 2012 by members of Jundallah, a Sunni militant group that had been weakened following Iran's capture and execution of its leader, Abdul Malik Rigi, in 2010. Its first major attack occurred in October 2013. Jaish ul-Adl is a designated terrorist organization by Iran.


In April 26 2017 the group claim an ambush were killed at least nine Iranian border guards were killed and two others were injured while patrolling at the Pakistan-Iran border. Jaish ul-Adl claimed responsibility for the attack. Group also claimed responsibility for attacks that killed eight border guards in April 2015 and 14 border guards in October 2013.